Report Builder

Report Builder lets users tailor-make a single Travax report for multiple countries or topics

Compile a Travax report for the countries on a traveler's itinerary by selecting from the listed country-related options (vaccine recommendations, malaria information, other diseases, maps for malaria, yellow fever and elevation, and other health and safety concerns) plus any desired traveler handouts (e.g., rabies, dengue fever, STDs). Custom-build provider and traveler report versions so that each includes only the desired content and no more.

Report Builder is the provider's key to saving time, and it's as easy as 1, 2, 3

Make a one-time selection of the desired report components from the available options (listed below), and save that selection as a custom format. Future visits to Report Builder can be as simple as (1) pick the custom format, (2) enter the desired countries, and (3) click the "Report" tab. Read the report onscreen, or use the options provided to print or download a PDF of the Traveler, Provider, and/or Maps report.

Report Builder is "international-ready"

While the home country for traveler itineraries is provisionally set as United States, you can easily reset the default to any country you require.

Report Builder lets users choose to include or omit any of the following content

By Itinerary

Includes items specific to the itinerary and content items that will be grouped together to give you a consolidated view of the risks and protective measures posed for all countries without repetition of identical items.

  • Itinerary: Lists the entered itinerary at the start of the report.
  • Health Concerns Summary: Shows a list of diseases posing potential risk for the itinerary, linking to their location in the report.
  • Current Health Bulletins: Notification of disease outbreaks and health concerns of an episodic nature.
  • Current Safety Bulletins: Notification of safety and security risks of an episodic nature.
  • Yellow Fever: Report Builder calculates whether yellow fever vaccination will be an entry requirement for one or more countries on the traveler's itinerary, and the result is stated as "YES" or "NO" in the Requirement Information section. A separate Recommendation Information section clearly indicates whether yellow fever vaccine is recommended for health protection for any country on the itinerary, and if so, provides details for the specific areas.
  • Other Travel Vaccinations: Presents consolidated information for recommended vaccinations based on risk in itinerary countries.
  • Routine Vaccinations: Summarizes routine vaccinations that should be maintained up-to-date regardless of travel.
  • Malaria: A geographical explanation of protective recommendations corresponds exactly to the malaria map for each country on the itinerary. A separate statement notes the indicated preventive drug(s) for each country and the importance of insect precautions.
  • Travelers' Diarrhea: Describes the level of risk and antibiotics that are effective for treatment.
  • Other Concerns: Presents information on other diseases and environmental hazards travelers should protect against.

By Country

Includes items that will be presented separately per country in the report.

  • General Information: Country location, economic development level and climate.
  • Security: Summary of important warnings from consular authorities and other government organizations.
  • Medical Care: Information about local medical infrastructure and services and how to access care.
  • Consular Advice: Broad safety and security concerns compiled from the consular services of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, including warnings against travel and embassy contact information.
  • Cross-Cultural Considerations: Information to aid travelers to unfamiliar countries, including guidance on local laws (e.g., restrictions on dress, photography, religious practice, and sexual activity), tips to facilitate social interactions and prevent offending local sensibilities, and advice on the country's cultures and customs (e.g., meals, attire, and etiquette).
  • Hospitals: A summary of select facilities, when available, may be included in the report. If this option is selected, you will be able to select from a list of profiled facilities based on the itinerary entered.


Includes items that are not specific to a single country or which are general traveler education materials.

  • Vaccine Handout: This checklist provides travelers with succinct information on each vaccination that may be recommended for their itinerary and checkboxes to indicate whether the vaccine was given or declined.
  • Basic Protective Measures: A summary of key protective behaviors recommended for the traveler based on the countries included on the itinerary.
  • Other Health Topics: Additional traveler education handouts for any of the health and safety topics covered by Travax. There are 2 options. Other Health Topics (Full Article) includes the full content of each topic handout in the report. Other Health Topics (Key Points Only) limits the content presented for each topic handout to the Key Points section of the article. If either option is selected, you will be able to choose from a list of topics when you build the report.


The following Map Types are available for inclusion in the Maps report: Malaria, Yellow Fever, Elevation, Meningitis. In addition, the Technical Explanation of Malaria Mapping document can be selected for inclusion when the report contains malaria maps.